BabyEase Specializes in everything I was looking for…

Being a first time mom, I had heard from multiple people that breast feeding was a “learning curve” and was going to hurt at first.

When we got home, everything changed. My daughter was not gaining weight, even though she was nursing for an hour straight and it was hurting so much!

I was looking into my Facebook Mom pages on how to help my newborn, but I asked my doctor if she could possibly have a tongue tie. They told me no, but she did have a lip tie. I was certain they were wrong because all signs and symptoms pointed to this. I felt dismissed.

I wanted to follow up with someone who knew about the function of the mouth, tongue, ties, torticollis, etc. I followed many OTs specializing in Ties on Instagram and messaged every single one to get in touch with someone in my area.

Finally I got in contact with Michelle who was in my area and specialized in everything I was looking for. Within a few dedicated sessions, my daughter was already making amazing progress. Michelle is a mom herself and was able to ease my mind and heart, knowing the stress and guilt I felt I was under.

I recommend anyone going through any type delayed milestone and/or needing a mom meet up to connect with Michelle. Her and her office made the newborn stage and everything we went through so much less of a struggle.


BabyEase has my baby THRIVING